Our main curriculum will be Classical Conversations Foundations Cycle 3. We are so excited to join our new, local CC community this fall!
First Grade Plan:
Bible: Bible Study Guide for All Ages, Beginner Unit 1, Qtr. 1(we are almost finished), Intermediate Qtr 2 & 3
History: American History cycle. We will be using SOTW 3 & 4 as spines and will be doing many unit studies and lapbooks along the way to make this phase of history come alive. We will also be reading from The Children's Treasury of Virtues
Geography: Road Trip USA, TAG U.S. Map
Science: through CC we will be studying Anatomy & Chemistry...we will use My Body by Patti Caretello, Janice Van Cleave's 201 Awesome Experiements , Mr. Q's Classic Science
Math: Horizons 1
Phonics/Spelling: All About Spelling 1 (we are finishing it up now) then will move to 2, First Language Lessons, Hooked on Phonics. We will also be reading the Little House on the Prarie Series as read alouds.
Handwriting: Writing With Ease, lots of copywork sheets from CurrClick to go along with our Bible and History lessons
Latin: Latin's Not So Tough!
Music Appreciation: Classical Music for Dummies
Art: Discovering Great Artists, Drawing with Children,
4K Plan:
Gman will be also be doing Classical Conversations, in addition I will supplement phonics, writing, and math with:
Rod & Staff Preschool Workbooks, Letter of Week K4 Curriculum, and Explode the Code Get Ready, Set, Go
I feel very good about this plan, but I'm also somewhat of a curriculum junkie. In a world with unlimited time and money, I would own it all! Therefore, I still consider this a work in progress...